2019 Conference Highlights

Our second year at Fontana Village found us in the dark and making the most of our time together!
2019 Conference Speakers
Mountainside power outages did not dampen the BRI spirit one bit!
We thought we’d share some of which makes BRI unique.
Joan Garry

“Nonprofits are Messy”
Amy Watts

“Living Intentionally”
Phil Kaye

Spoken Word
2019 Skill Lab Sessions
The 2019 Blue Ridge Institute add a new element to the week. We introduced Skill Labs on a variety of subjects of interest to service executives. The response from the conference participants was a resounding “Yes.”
Managing Conflict in the Workplace
Johanna Inman, Ideal HR
Build Your Board into a Championship Fundraising Team
Gregory Nielsen, Nielsen Training & Consulting, LLC
Five Factor Wellness
Corinne Danielson, MPH, The Sari Center
Getting Intentionally Technical
Patrick Jinks, The Jinks Perspective
Things You Should Understand About Your Financial Statements & How to Prevent Theft from Your Nonprofit
CL Davidson, Qbix Accounting Solutions, LLC
From "Survivor" to "Amazing Race": Intentional Leadership for Dynamic Boards
Gregory Nielsen, Nielsen Training & Consulting, LLC
Intentional Conversations with Donors
John Elbare, CFP, AIF, – Florida Philanthropic Advisors, LLC
Tools to Help You Make Better Hiring Decisions and Build the Culture You Need at Your Organization
Johanna Inman, Ideal HR
Amplify Visability for Your Nonprofit with Guidestar
CL Davidson, Qbix Accounting Solutions, LLC
"They Said WHAT?!" Critical Strategies to Protect and Expand Your Digital Reputation
Phoebe Yerian Ezell, BizVisioneers