by Aubrey Nehring | May 7, 2016 | Business, Goals
So are you ready for a challenge? The first principle in setting goals is to set BIG goals. Leadership expert Jim Collins calls these “Big, Hairy, Audacious Goals.” Often we find ourselves in a rut. We’ve spent time identifying a goal that is...
by Aubrey Nehring | Mar 18, 2016 | Executive Leadership
by Aubrey Nehring Setting goals.  Is it really necessary? Yes or No? Let’s start with “No”—if you are satisfied with the current results you are getting in your work environment or in your personal life, then maybe setting new goals is not for you.  Many management...
by Aubrey Nehring | Feb 3, 2016 | Executive Leadership
Please enjoy this blogpost by BRI member Aubrey Nehring. Either way, I want to share some thoughts that may encourage you no matter what stage in life you find yourself. Last Friday was my last day as CEO of Audubon Area Community Services after thirty years of...
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