by Dave Parker | Dec 20, 2023 | Business, Goals, Governance
Recently, BRI released an RFP to hire a consultant to write a short-term Vision Plan. This plan will provide some guidance to the BRI Board over the next year or so and lead into a future strategic planning session. The Executive Committee, Strategic Engagement Chair,...
by Patrick Jinks | Aug 6, 2017 | Community, Goals, Work/Life Balance
The lake at Fall Creek Falls looks and feels different on Saturday morning than it does on Friday. In fact, everything at the Falls looks and feels different the day after the final BRI session. A few people have lagged behind, milking the most of their cabin rentals...
by Patrick Jinks | Jan 22, 2017 | Business, Community, Goals, Leadership, Work/Life Balance
Happy New Year Ridgers! It is still new, after all. This post is an invitation to all of you to sit on the virtual front porch with us a bit, and share what you are up to this year! Use the comments section below to share your goings on! What is new in your...
by Grace-Anne Alfiero | Jan 7, 2017 | Executive Leadership, Goals, Leadership, Uncategorized, Work/Life Balance
So, How you doing? We are five days into 2017 and I am wondering how those resolutions are going? Me…of course I am working on mine, it’s still January, check back with me come Valentine’s Day! My resolution is more like an insurance and investment strategy for my...
by Aubrey Nehring | May 7, 2016 | Business, Goals
So are you ready for a challenge? The first principle in setting goals is to set BIG goals. Leadership expert Jim Collins calls these “Big, Hairy, Audacious Goals.” Often we find ourselves in a rut. We’ve spent time identifying a goal that is...
by Grace-Anne Alfiero | Dec 20, 2015 | Executive Leadership, Goals
Every few months, and sometimes once a year, I remember to follow through with the mission of scheduling a phone call with my college roomie from my freshman and sophomore days at the University of Florida. She has steadfastly climbed up her career ladder and now...
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