Recently, BRI released an RFP to hire a consultant to write a short-term Vision Plan. This plan will provide some guidance to the BRI Board over the next year or so and lead into a future strategic planning session. The Executive Committee, Strategic Engagement Chair, and Executive Director reviews and ranked all the proposals. This group made a unanimous recommendation to the Board of Directors. At the December 2023 meeting, the BRI Board of Directors approved the Balboa Park Online Collaborative (BPOC) from San Diego, CA as the planning consultants.

The BRI President, Executive Director, and Strategic Engagement Chair will work with BPOC to craft activities to engage the BRI board and full membership on ideas to move us forward. Activities will begin in February and carry us through conference planning season. The goal is to unveil the plan to the members at the 2024 BRI Conference and then to the full membership.

Look out for future announcements, surveys, and virtual meeting invitations around BRI visioning. We’re excited to hear what you have to say. Contact Allison Gant if you desire more information.