by Grace-Anne Alfiero | Jun 6, 2016 | Grants/Fundraising
(Republished from Grace-Anne Alfiero’s Arts in Action Blog) As a non-profit consultant that makes a majority of my income from preparing grant proposals for clients, I am often asked what constitutes a winning proposal. The quick answer is this, a formula that...
by Grace-Anne Alfiero | Apr 23, 2016 | Business
In the early 90’s, I landed an internship at a progressive non-profit agency in New York City that served as an incubator to musicians, performance artists and multi disciplinary artists. I both loved and hated my experiences there. It was where I was first introduced...
by Grace-Anne Alfiero | Dec 20, 2015 | Executive Leadership, Goals
Every few months, and sometimes once a year, I remember to follow through with the mission of scheduling a phone call with my college roomie from my freshman and sophomore days at the University of Florida. She has steadfastly climbed up her career ladder and now...
by Grace-Anne Alfiero | Oct 23, 2015 | Executive Leadership, Leadership Parallels With History
It occurred to me today, during a meeting at one of my client’s facilities, how things change, but how they also tend to stay the same…let me explain. In the meeting, an administrator for the agency used the phrase “we work down in the trenches” and “those staff...
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