by Aubrey Nehring | Feb 3, 2016 | Executive Leadership
Please enjoy this blogpost by BRI member Aubrey Nehring. Either way, I want to share some thoughts that may encourage you no matter what stage in life you find yourself. Last Friday was my last day as CEO of Audubon Area Community Services after thirty years of...
by Grace-Anne Alfiero | Dec 20, 2015 | Executive Leadership, Goals
Every few months, and sometimes once a year, I remember to follow through with the mission of scheduling a phone call with my college roomie from my freshman and sophomore days at the University of Florida. She has steadfastly climbed up her career ladder and now...
by Patrick Jinks | Oct 25, 2015 | Executive Leadership
This was kindly re-posted from Patrick Jinks’ blog site. What are 3 goals you have set for yourself that you honestly should have achieved by now, but haven’t? Are they really important goals? Does it really matter to you whether you actually achieve them? If...
by Grace-Anne Alfiero | Oct 23, 2015 | Executive Leadership, Leadership Parallels With History
It occurred to me today, during a meeting at one of my client’s facilities, how things change, but how they also tend to stay the same…let me explain. In the meeting, an administrator for the agency used the phrase “we work down in the trenches” and “those staff...
by Patrick Jinks | Oct 1, 2015 | Executive Leadership, Goals
This was kindly re-posted from Patrick Jink’s Blog. Recently, while coaching an executive toward getting important things done, I asked him to make a list of all the things he should have done by now, but hasn’t. When he finished his list, he quickly realized...
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