by Dave Parker | Dec 20, 2023 | Business, Goals, Governance
Recently, BRI released an RFP to hire a consultant to write a short-term Vision Plan. This plan will provide some guidance to the BRI Board over the next year or so and lead into a future strategic planning session. The Executive Committee, Strategic Engagement Chair,...
by Grace-Anne Alfiero | Apr 14, 2019 | Community, Executive Leadership, Governance, Leadership
Just like no one truly owns a beautiful forest and no one truly owns a coral reef, nonprofit organizations were not set up to be owned by any one individual. Sole ownership of a tax-exempt entity is counter-intuitive and the antithesis of the sectors’ original...
by Tom Starling | Oct 2, 2016 | Community, Executive Leadership, Governance, Leadership
I’m not being self-deprecating when I claim to be one of the least innovative people around. I exhausted all my creative ideas around 2004. Since then, I’ve been an avid believer in stealing, plagiarizing, and improving on others’ creative concepts. That being...
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