The Front Porch

​Blue Ridgers know the front porch to be more than a place. It’s an experience where ideas are shared, people are challenged, questions are answered, and stories are shared. This “Front Porch” blog is a virtual place to gather. 

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Same as it ever was

“Uncertainty is the name of the game right now,” writes Kate Skokan in a post entitled Authenticity is the crucible of authentic leadership. It does seem as if things are more uncertain than they were in the past, and that problems both metastasize faster and are more...

Moving Forward with Vision

Recently, BRI released an RFP to hire a consultant to write a short-term Vision Plan. This plan will provide some guidance to the BRI Board over the next year or so and lead into a future strategic planning session. The Executive Committee, Strategic Engagement Chair,...

Campaign Update

There is still time to donate to our Learn. Lead. Renew. GIVE. campaign and meet our $10,000 goal by December 31! Join us and give today. We’ve raised $6,500 and we’re in the final stretch. Special thanks to our match partners, Richard LaPratt and Tim Ervolina, for...
What’s Going On?

What’s Going On?

Prior to BRI week, listen to the tracks of Marvin Gaye’s album “What’s Going On.” Then read the lyrics. Apart from being great music, the themes are timeless and it seems as though Mr. Gaye is reaching across the years to speak to you as a social sector leader. From...

Feeling HOT! HOT! HOT!

Feeling HOT! HOT! HOT!

Living the American dream is taking a toll on our body and minds. I don’t mean to generalize, but most Americans have exhausted themselves-- mentally and physically. This constant pushing ourselves in every direction: at work, at home, with family obligations, we are...

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