by Amelia Alfiero | May 27, 2017 | Community, Leadership
by Guest Blogger, Ameila Alfiero Hello! My name is Amelia Alfiero, and I like to do a lot of things for the community. I was born into a caring family; my mom founded and ran a nonprofit business to help people with disabilities enjoy the arts. So, it was easy for me...
by Patrick Jinks | Jan 22, 2017 | Business, Community, Goals, Leadership, Work/Life Balance
Happy New Year Ridgers! It is still new, after all. This post is an invitation to all of you to sit on the virtual front porch with us a bit, and share what you are up to this year! Use the comments section below to share your goings on! What is new in your...
by Tom Starling | Oct 2, 2016 | Community, Executive Leadership, Governance, Leadership
I’m not being self-deprecating when I claim to be one of the least innovative people around. I exhausted all my creative ideas around 2004. Since then, I’ve been an avid believer in stealing, plagiarizing, and improving on others’ creative concepts. That being...
by Patrick Jinks | Jul 30, 2016 | Community, Executive Leadership, Leadership, Uncategorized, Work/Life Balance
People simply don’t understand. They look at me with a hint of concern when I try to share with them the “magic” that is BRI. Yes, it is still a tad hokie. It is also imperfect. It is a long week, and it is tiring. But it is pure magic. To be slightly more specific,...
by Tim Ervolina | Jul 6, 2016 | Community, Leadership, Leadership Parallels With History, Work/Life Balance
I went away for a little while, right after I retired from United Way. I had several reasons: to make sure my successor had the space to lead without any of her staff trying to do an end run around her; to visit some spots in one of my favorite regions in the world,...
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